Educational Material

Take a stroll with us.

Rescue Americans lost at sea

Foreign entities are masquerading as our government. One third of our Federal Government is missing. It was warehoused in 1868 by British/Scottish sympathizers in the U.S. Territorial Congress. Officially, our true federal government has been “held in abeyance” for over 150 years awaiting action by the sovereign States of the Union. The action required is to “reconstruct” the States of America. There are fifty American state republics, not one.


The States (meaning Maryland, Georgia, New Hampshire, etc…) formed a Federation of States known as “the Union”. This Union of States came to be on September 9, 1776, and adopted the doing-business-as-name: The United States of America, a Holding Company.


Beyond the Federation, the States split off another type of union called a Confederation of States known as the States of America, formed under the Articles of Confederation on March 1, 1781. The Confederation’s members were all “States of States” such as The State of Maryland, The State of Georgia, The State of New Hampshire, etc… These are the original Federal States of States which “went missing” after the Civil War. They are the doing-business entities of the actual States of the Union, which must be conducting our business for us.


Instead, these original “States of States” doing business under the name of, as an example, “The” State of Texas, were deceptively replaced by British Territorial entities doing business as “the” State of Texas. The difference between “The” State of Texas and “the” State of Texas went either unnoticed or was not understood by the unaware population for what it was… an undisclosed and appalling Breach of Trust by the British Government, which then and now seeks to hide its fraudulent actions.

How did we get here?

Remember studying the Civil War? Do you recall the “Reconstruction” afterward? The Reconstruction that never happened. Why?


Because spiteful men in Parliament, traitors and fools in Washington, DC chose not to finish the job that they were morally, lawfully and legally mandated to get done. Britain and France gained influence and pulled off scams against America that made European freeloaders rich at our expense and entangled America, their own countries, and most of the rest of the world in endless wars for profit. Who is at the bottom of this pile? Bankers. Bankers influence and pay off politicians. Politicians influence the military and before you know it, we have non-stop greed causing endless wars. The Assemblies’ mission is to peacefully finish the Reconstruction that began in 1865.

Where are we going?

What we are helping to do as a State Assembly is finalize the so-called “Reconstruction” that began after the so-called “Civil War” and all the British provoked fraud that followed. The Federation is calling the actual States of the Union to Assemble. The States will then “reconstruct” the actual Federal States of States doing business as, for example, The State of New Hampshire. Once this happens in all fifty states, the Reconstruction will finally be finished and the Territorial and Municipal United States corporations will be kicked back to the curb where they belong.


The Assemblies are unincorporated business organizations engaged in essential “original” 1787 Constitutional related matters. The primary job of the Assembly is to get fully populated, organized and prepared for peaceable action. We are restoring Common Law courts so that foreign Admiralty Courts have no cause to address American Nationals or American Citizens.


By declaring your birthright political status, recording it, and joining your State Assembly, you are setting yourself apart from your “government services” employees and their duties. You are accepting your Public Duty, which is to uphold the Constitutions and Public Law. Participation in Assemblies is founded on being polite and productive members of the community.


When new people join Assemblies, they don’t know what to think or expect. Some may be scared or angry, and think that they are doing something controversial or dangerous. Rest assured, that what the Assemblies are doing is perfectly lawful, legitimate and peaceful.


The primary role of the Assembly is to get organized as a government for our State of the Union. It is not a ‘Battered Americans Support Group’. Assemblies aim to teach people about self-governance, which requires developing skills many people do not have and have never thought about. Nationality is a birthright. Assembly membership is a choice.


Joining The Assembly is NOT:

* A get ‘out-of-jail-free-card’ for resolving pre-existing legal issues

* A private club, it is a public body

* A place for venting and unloading your personal problems

* For “Angry Bulls” who just want to roar and fight

* For Gossip, slander, complainers and time-wasters


The Assembly’s main objective is to cooperatively and amicably focus on the state and county business at hand.

Steps to join

1) Reach out to your State Coordinator or Texas Recorder through our page, "CORRECT YOUR STATUS".


2) Fill out the form at the top of that page so the State Coordinator or Texas Recorder can guide you through the next steps.


3) When you’re ready, select the paperwork suggested by the Coordinator or Texas Recorder on our "CORRECT YOUR STATUS" page.


4) Once your documents are filled out, autographed, stamped, and recorded on the Public Record, you become FREE and can join our Texas Assembly meetings to get caught up on what we are doing. Once in, you can find a volunteer spot to expand The Texas Assembly to FREE more Texans. Amen.